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What is a Quantum MeMoir?

Answer: It is a Written REcord of YOUR Intended Life Experience.

A Quantum MeMoir is the collection of Mind Maps you create.

Use the Quantum MeMoir as a scientific journaling system to experiment, record, and analyze your personal results and experiences. This method helps you define a theme or Purpose and gather supporting ideas or concepts, enabling you to gain greater insights and solve problems effectively.


Create a Mind Map to Brainstorm Ideas, Research a Concept, Plan a Project, Solve a Problem, as a Pattern & tiME tracker, for Shadow Work or to Relax and Create Art.

base code mock up
quantum memoir base code logo 2024 transparent_non_transparent

What is a Quantum MeMoir Mind Map?

A Quantum MeMoir Mind Map is a problem-solving tool designed to help you define a theme or Purpose and gather supporting ideas and concepts to gain greater insights. It directs focused energy and action around your Purpose, facilitating its manifestation in physical reality.


This comprehensive approach helps you organize and visualize your thoughts, making it easier to achieve your goals and understand your journey.

Sacred Geometry

At The Center of it All

Each SPHERE or circle of the Quantum MeMoir Mind Map contains space for valuable information. As you physically GROUND the information in the Fruit of Life Pattern with gratitude, you set a mental and emotional function in motion—QModulation.


Draw or use the Quantum MeMoir Mind Map templates to CONNECT with a natural pattern of creation. As an OBSERVER of the form, visualize entanglement with your chosen PURPOSE. The messages you intuit reveal patterns blocking progress toward your greatest potential.


This process activates the imagination to EXPRESS the INTENTION you articulate in each Sphere. As you focus attention on REFINED thoughts and feelings, you align clearly with your Purpose at the center.

fruit of life QModulation wave

Your Quantum MeMoir becomes more than just a journal or planner; it is a tool for aligning with your purpose and focusing your attention, guiding you to shift toward the reality you desire.

“You can’t change the way people think, all you can do is give them a tool, the use of which will change their thinking.”

~Buckminster Fuller

What Do Quantum & MeMoir

Symbolize in Your Story?

Using etymology we can interpret a personal meaning & understanding of what a Quantum MeMoir can be for you!

Quantum MeMoir Word Mind Map


1610s, "sum, amount," from Latin quantum (plural quanta) "as much as, so much as; how much? how far? how great an extent?" neuter singular of correlative pronominal adjective quantus "as much"

"The word was introduced in physics directly from Latin by Max Planck, 1900, on the notion of "minimum amount of a quantity which can exist;" reinforced by Einstein, 1905."


early 15c., "written record," from Anglo-French memorie "note, memorandum, something written to be kept in mind"

The more specific sense of "a notice or essay relating to something within the writer's own memory or knowledge" is from 17c. Meaning "person's written account of his or her life" is from 1670s, or "observation upon points about which the writer is specially informed"

What is the PURPOSE of a Quantum MeMoir?

Answer: QModulate

QModulation is our method of articulating a conscious reality shift, quantum jump, or simply living your best life possible.


Life is an experience of creation based on the actions we take. These actions are rooted in our beliefs and perceptions of right and wrong, good and bad, self and other.


Where our attention goes, energy flows.


By bringing focused attention to what you consciously wish to create, you QModulate. You tune into a field of energy, a frequency, that aligns with the purpose you have centered in your Quantum MeMoir Mind Map.


If you find yourself tuned into outdated information, consider beginning a practice of conscious creation. Become present with the supra-conscious and draw down inspiration to create harmony within your experience.

QModulation Tuner

Of course, it takes more than just writing your thoughts down. You need to amplify your magnetic energy. The act of writing stimulates your awareness and helps you access intuitive information. Once you gather this information, it is up to you to intuitively decide how to use it. In our (r)EVOLUTION of tiME practice, we recommend small actions and bold moves for successful QModulation.


Sound Waves of Meaning, Drawn into Motion

Zero Point


Start with the source of one universal point and draw a sphere around it to create a container—this is your Purpose Sphere.


Tune into your imagination and write or draw a message to symbolize the Purpose and focus of your Quantum MeMoir Mind Map.

purpose of life zero point
seed of life prime wave

Seed of Life

Prime Wave

Generate a field of six moves around the Purpose Sphere, located in the middle.


This anchors the center of the next rotation of spheres.


Each move around your Purpose Sphere represents a different chakra energy, activating thoughts and feelings associated with the body-mind complex.


QM Base Code

Radiate outward to your new centers and create six spheres around these new centers and Purpose Sphere to start a new octave.


Each additional sphere contains a Quantum MeMoir Seed Word to prompt a personal message that enhances your Purpose Sphere.


  • Purpose: Focus Attention

  • Ground: Establish Foundation

  • Intend: Clarify Desire

  • Observe: Gather Information

  • Connect: Appreciate Other

  • Express: Share Awareness

  • Refine: Enhance Lessons


The combination of  Seed Words and your chosen messages create an overall synergy of meaning for you.

QM Base Code Blue Print
fruit of life QM wave

Fruit of Life

QModulation Wave

Expand the Base Code into six outer moves that amplify your thoughts and feelings into greater potentials. These six outer Quantum MeMoir Seed Words capture additional details for change or motion, such as manifesting.


  • Initiate: Begin Anew

  • Activate: Mobilize Energy

  • Evaluate: Assess Opportunities

  • Elevate: Amplify Potentials

  • Accelerate: Trust Progress

  • Integrate: Unite Elements

Use the Mind Map formula to learn, plan, problem solve, gather and evaluate information, manifest, or as a creative expression for self-actualization.


Wax & Wane, In & Out, Gravity & Radiation

The patterns mentioned above are "flat" representations. They serve as blueprints for shapes that are multi-dimensional, with an X, Y, and Z axis. Dimensionally, there are six vectors passing through the center "Purpose" Sphere, creating twelve unique rays or directions.


If you would like to learn more, join our Free Quantum MeMoir theory Tutorial

Flower of Life


“Everyone is born a Genius, but the process of living de-geniuses them.”

~Buckminster Fuller

Quantum MeMoir theory

Scientific Journaling Method


The collective human perspective on reality is often skewed by the belief in separation from others. This perception varies among individuals and significantly influences our collective life experience. From birth, we are conditioned to view life through a lens of separation, reinforced during our impressionable childhood years. This learned perception is often accepted as fact, with little discernment between reality and indoctrinated beliefs.


The Quantum MeMoir theory hypothesis posits that scientific journaling, as implemented in the Quantum MeMoir method, acts as a catalyst for aligning the user’s cognitive and emotional states with natural cycles and symbolic frameworks. By engaging with the geometry, symbolism, and personal actions within this structured journaling process, users may achieve a state of resonance, leading to the dissolution of cognitive interference patterns and fostering favorable personal transformation.


This explorative self-study articulates the Quantum MeMoir theory - "Symbolism," which proposes that the Quantum MeMoir Scientific Journaling Method creates a relationship with the quantum field, clarifying our experience of reality by addressing the interference patterns in our field of experience.


Quantum MeMoir serves as a tool for unlearning conditioned thinking and discerning perceptions, ultimately enhancing self-awareness and personal growth through a structured framework. By reducing these interference patterns, individuals can achieve a more connected and harmonious experience of reality.

The Quantum Memoir practice has changed my life. I’ve been going along with the cycles (Earth, Lunar, & Solar) for nearly 6 months now, and I can honestly say I’m more in tune with my true self than I’ve ever been. I’m able to flow through my days intentionally, I’m able to identify and process through those challenging seasons, growing through them and finding purpose. Knowing what my life aspirations truly are, has allowed me to weed out choices much easier, leading to meeting goals quicker, and finding that Peace (one of my aspirations) I’ve longed for within my life journey.


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