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Paper Trails

Turning Lead into Gold

The Paper Trails Blog is a personal memoir of exploring conscious play and self-inquiry through theory thirteen. It captures the research, experiments, and insights gained along the journey to deeper self-awareness and transformation.

Scientific Journaling Method

LIVE Ongoing Chronicle of the Topic:

Scientific Journaling Method

Check back frequently for edits and additions.

This is my recent collection of ideas... to begin creating a cohesive narrative about the value in my personal journaling practice... Quantum MeMoir ...a Scientific Inquiry Method... with these details... I'll Communicate the Results I have gained in my life... from Writing Along with the Cycles of Time...

I first began this project shortly after writing inside the Flower of Life Pattern... finalizing the framework of my process... in 2018... by creating Visual Mind Maps for each Seed Word... as ART.. symbolism of what I knew was taking place... these are in that old publication from 2020... when I added the general philosophy around the pattern, spheres and seed words...

Now after years of experimenting... I have my desired results... and will go back over my records to evaluate and chronicle the details of my experiments and experience... confirming my Quantum MeMoir theory... about Scientific Journaling...

After publishing the Quantum MeMoir thoery as online tutorial yesterday… I realized… my Quantum MeMoir practice is very much... similar to scientific journaling… the scientific method.

I have been creatively posing my practice as mirroring the Scientific Method... without specifically intending to...

I am the subject of study... I conduct experiments and observations about my life experiences... as objectively as possible and track patterns and behaviors... to understand this strange creature... that I am.


I am beginning this phase of the Quantum MeMoir theory project with some video inspiration… bringing clarity to the idea of Quantum MeMoir as a Scientific Journaling Method… which basically sums up my QMt Project... these things further articulate my process…

All... so I can make art about the art... that is defining me...

What stands out to me... while editing the Philosophy of the Symbolism in the 7 Seeds Words and Flower of Life Pattern... it is inspiring me... it feels like I am being called back to the project that started so long ago... and proceed with what I know now... with my favorable results.

These videos were suggested for me on Youtube I pulled a lot of notes from them...

Journal like a scientist...

My notes from the video...

Experiment logging

Quantum MeMoir is a "Science based tool" to "Document your work"

The work is self study

Record experiments

  • Describe what you are doing and why

  • Write down questions and answers you seek

  • Record progress

  • Write what you learned from experience


What you think you’d learn


How you will learn


track pattern and behaviors


How it turned out

In the video She recommends

Brain dump at the end of the day… about the experiments… doubts… what to consider… like what could go wrong

Resource logging

“dedicated pathway for others”

+a record of all resources

Continuous logging

Write as you conduct the experiments

Incremental idea building to articulate the big idea…

Reflection moments

Go over all notes and highlight what you like

-Summarize what to take to next level

So... what exactly is the Scientific method?

1. Ask a Question

2. Do Background Research

3. Construct a Hypothesis

4. Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment

5. Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion

6. Communicate Your Results

Journaling practice shared by Andrew Huberman for mental and physical health

Key points for me to explore.

Questions to Answer

Q. What are the Negatively Charged Thoughts/Feelings doing to our field?

How are they causing negative results?

How do you “diffuse” the negative energy with QMt?

Q. How does the Geometry, Words and Cycle/Flow of the Quantum MeMoir improve our Results?

A. They attune your thoughts and feelings with the prime wave. QModulation

Information that stands out from my notes...

Huberman video covers James Pennabaker's Work

  • Truth Telling (writing our story) has a positive effect on our emotions.

  • Create Honestly within your self.

  • Make your Life's Narrative Coherent in order to be well. to process the past.

  • Prefrontal Cortex triggers the nervous system responses... The neural structures communicate with the body.

  • Trauma or Shadows are negatively charged thoughts and feelings. these are the things we think/worry about the most. May be considered ruminating or consumed by X.

  • We Harbour (that we tell our selves - Truthful or imagined) Stories (Experiences) in our nervous system. These experiences continue to influence our behavior, cognition, and emotions. They effect our Field.

  • your natural language patterns whether positive or negative will cause similar experiences or perception of reality. Confirms QM using positive vocabulary in Mind Map as a conscious choice.

Incorporate these details as resources to QMt

  • Study J. Pennabaker's work on language patterns.

    How the words effect people in a casual way.

  • Write in the mind map with positive pretense language. The note page is for the negative past tense. Being aware of the difference between NOW and past/present.

  • QM works because it changes your neural map in response to the new experiences (novelty created with QMt) created in the Mind Mapping process.

  • writing consequentially in a structured way is a protocol to experience change in your language patterns and neuroplasticity.

  • Neuroplasticity:

    "The importance of neuroplasticity can’t be overstated: It means that it is possible to change dysfunctional patterns of thinking and behaving and to develop new mindsets, new memories, new skills, and new abilities."

  • Science now accepts the body and mind are linked.

  • Clear out the clutter mental chatter in stream of conscious. dawn and dusk.

  • realize the intro and exit of mental states involved in QM journaling.

  • Don't hold breath...

  • Nervous system maps (conscious and unconscious mind) a neural schema of reality as a child ...a prediction machine of the future based on past emotional states and physical environment factors which continuaously play out as conditioning.

Look further into:

  • Thymus that creates Lymphocytes (white blood) cells.

  • Lymphocytes

    "Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell. They play an important role in your immune system, which helps your body fight disease and infection. Your immune system is made up of an intricate web of immune cells, lymph nodes, lymph tissue and lymphatic organs. Lymphocytes are a type of immune cell."

  • Psychoneuroimmunology

  • neuroplasticity

End of Andrew Humberman Video Notes

This is not only my MeMoir... it is my art and life's work...

Overall... The QMt is my Truth.

Experiment for Your Self and Create Your Method

Cheryl Crow

Quantum MeMoir is my Alchemy


Journaling practice shared by Andrew Hubberman for mental and physical health

Benefits of Journaling

Scientific Journaling

How to Keep a Scientific Journal

1 Comment

These are the Resource Links shared in the Andrew Humberman Video.

Articles Confronting a traumatic event: toward an understanding of inhibition and disease:

Natural emotion vocabularies as windows on distress and well-being:

Disclosure of traumas and immune function: Health implications for psychotherapy:

Putting Feelings Into Words:

Increasing honesty in humans with noninvasive brain stimulation:

The β1-adrenergic receptor links sympathetic nerves to T cell exhaustion:

Writing About Emotional Experiences as a Therapeutic Process:

Brain and body are more intertwined than we knew:

Therapeutic Journaling:

Books Opening Up by Writing It Down: How Expressive Writing Improves Health and Eases Emotional Pain:

Trauma: The Invisible Epidemic: How Trauma Works and How We Can Heal…

Gratitude & Tips

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The Quantum Memoir practice has changed my life. I’ve been going along with the cycles (Earth, Lunar, & Solar) for nearly 6 months now, and I can honestly say I’m more in tune with my true self than I’ve ever been. I’m able to flow through my days intentionally, I’m able to identify and process through those challenging seasons, growing through them and finding purpose. Knowing what my life aspirations truly are, has allowed me to weed out choices much easier, leading to meeting goals quicker, and finding that Peace (one of my aspirations) I’ve longed for within my life journey.


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