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Paper Trails

Turning Lead into Gold

The Paper Trails Blog is a personal memoir of exploring conscious play and self-inquiry through theory thirteen. It captures the research, experiments, and insights gained along the journey to deeper self-awareness and transformation.

Rainbow Colored Torus

Updated: Sep 26

LIVE: Ongoing Chronicle of the Chakras.

Check back frequently for updates and the completed template.

This Mind Map Spread is created as a request for a 7 Chakra Study Guide… to go compliment a clients (r)EVOLUTION of tiME MeMoir…

Playlist for this Mind Map...

Rainbow Colored Torus

Click to Listen

I decided to layout all the chakras labels on the big note page… sort of like a foundation… for the details of each chakra… to start building up together... into the full rainbow of colors and energy...

From here it is time to study… and take note… paying close attention to the symbols that arise for each Chakra’s Sphere… I'm looking for inspiration for the Mind Map Drawings...

So to divinely begin… the Sacral Chakra is the first chakra I’ll cover…

I’ll use the Yogic Path Chakra Card Booklet… to gather details about the Sacral Chakra... As the passage I read in the above video... gave me some visual ideas for the Sacral Chakra doodle…

then this arrived the same afternoon…
out of thin air… so to speak…

Ryan came home from work with this book… absolute divine timing…

random… yet perfect…

So this book will become part of my studies… as it has sort of inserted itself into my experience… at the right time… Kairos...

By Brenda Davies, MD

Since I will be taking notes from the book… I’ve decided to do additional note pages… for all the extra details... I will be gathering about the 7 chakras... included in this book…

You can see how one of the mind maps develop… just little clues and random happenings… adding up to something bigger… just like the chakra colors… coming together to make a “rainbow” …something is always there… we’re just not able to see it… until the right conditions are created…

The first doodle has come to me… inspiration based on a painting my fellow Muse recently posted…

an excellent representation of the fluid movement of chakras… the graceful flow of life… and the creative factor of the sacral chakra…

I didn't need to draw a Chakra Oracle Card to figure out which sphere I wanted to do next... I was intuitively led to the Root Chakra...

I have been a bit stalled at the Root Chakra for the past week… I have not read the Root Chakra chapter yet… but I did get my Ground Sphere doodle complete…

So… am I too rooted or not enough… to move beyond this Chaka… at this time… I have my home in order… yet as I am typing this… my body is still a bit… out of sync… Ryan had a cold… and it’s lingering in our space…

This is why I study these topics… they inspire me to relate to my life experience… in a way that I can “know” the interference patterns… and begin to resolve them… so on to better health… and the next chakra…

I wonder what I will decide on…

If you would like to study with me... visit me in the theory thirteen … I'll be sharing my citations and deeper insights...

Once this page is complete, you'll be able to download it from the Mind Map Gallery.

I have been stalled on this one… I keep getting drawing ideas for different spheres… but nothing inspires me enough to pick up the pencil… so it’s not time… aside from that… I have still not read the root chakra chapter… so I suppose I still have some work to do in this area… before I can move on…

It has been come clear to me... why?! I have been lacking inspiration... to move along with this Rainbow Colored Torus mind map...

I have been stalled here at the root chakra... for at least a week... probably more... my conclusion... It is because my body was calling my attention...

I recently put more thought... into my routinely …daily chai latte... more often than not... that includes two a day... I calculated the sugar in those two processed chai concoctions …which tasked delicious by the way... never-mind... whatever else I may consume in a day... My habit was over 4x what I should intake...

So I decided to make a handcrafted to be… Chai Concentrate from scratch... but the chai isn't the block... it is one of the indicators... that I have not been taking sufficient enough care of my body...

I love observing this creatures behaviors... choices and results… to get a better understanding of my choices...

So... Now to read the chapter about the Root Chakra and see what I am missing....

Moving on… to the Observe Sphere… and the Solar Plexus… the symbolism of the SUNflower

Come back… to see what unfolds…


Studying the Chakra wheels… has me in an exploration of motion and space…

I came up with an Active Imagination Thought Experiment… here is my model…

Replying to

You can download the Space trip Map and take the journey your self...


Do You Enjoy Crystals?

Use your Quantum MeMoir Mind Map as a Crystal Grid… infuse some ancient vibes into your sound wave projection…


Which Chakra shall I begin with?!


watch the video to find out… then jump into the study with me… and activate this chakra for your self…

Gratitude & Tips

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The Quantum Memoir practice has changed my life. I’ve been going along with the cycles (Earth, Lunar, & Solar) for nearly 6 months now, and I can honestly say I’m more in tune with my true self than I’ve ever been. I’m able to flow through my days intentionally, I’m able to identify and process through those challenging seasons, growing through them and finding purpose. Knowing what my life aspirations truly are, has allowed me to weed out choices much easier, leading to meeting goals quicker, and finding that Peace (one of my aspirations) I’ve longed for within my life journey.


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