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Paper Trails

Turning Lead into Gold

The Paper Trails Blog is a personal memoir of exploring conscious play and self-inquiry through theory thirteen. It captures the research, experiments, and insights gained along the journey to deeper self-awareness and transformation.

Order Matters Mind Map

I began this Mind Map with the Spheres of "Sacred Geometry" and a notion that PROportion Matters.

That If one begins askew, all the steps that follow will be off track or misALIGNed.  This is what creates art, the varied outcome of ones personal imagination.  

"I Ended the page with a whisper of advice to my self.  The inner dialogue carrying on... as I shaded & doodled... inspired by the MUSE to write this down... "ORDER MATTERs" Discern ALL of the Elements and Information... to read the REsults of my creations..."

View the Start to Finish Creation of this Page, Along with Citations:

The Symbolism In "Order Matters"

Take A Closer Look At What is Inside

Each Sphere Represents a Different Chakra or Energy Center.

In Alchemy or to Neutralize a polarity… there is a realization of the proper elements… in the proper proportion ...for GOLD to be created… I had to be challenged with unique... yet universal experiences... in order to BEcome who "i am" ... & I rather enjoy What I AM...

Proportion Etymology 

late 14c., proporcioun, "due relation of one part to another," also "size, extent; comparative relation of one thing to another in size, degree, number, etc.," from Old French proporcion "measure, proportion" (13c.) and directly from Latin proportionem (nominative proportio) "comparative relation, analogy," from phrase pro portione "according to the relation" (of parts to each other), from pro "for" (see pro-) + ablative of *partio "division," related to pars "a part, piece, a share, a division" 

Purpose Sphere

The Purpose Sphere holds the Energy of the Crown Chakra and is the Focal Point... for all the Spheres to Come Together.

Chakra Etymology

1888 in yoga sense of "a spiritual center of power in the human body," from Sanskrit cakra "circle, wheel," from PIE root *kwel- (1) "revolve, move round."

Sphere… seems like the most logical replacement word for me to use… as with Chakra there are obstacles to overcome in the western world… I’d like to make it more neutral…

Wheel Etymology (noun)

Old English hweol, hweogol "wheel," from Proto-Germanic hwewlaz (source also of Old Norse hvel,), from PIE kw(e)-kwl-o- "wheel, circle," suffixed, reduplicated form of root *kwel- (1) "revolve, move round; sojourn, dwell."

Purpose Base Code Icon

The Target. I Am Complete.

It begins and ends here… Of Course it wouldn’t be Complete without the PURPOSE Sphere I AM statement…

I AM Complete…

Complete Etymology

late 14c., "having no deficiency, wanting no part or element; perfect in kind or quality; finished, ended, concluded," from Old French complet"full," or directly from Latin completus, past participle of complere "to fill up, complete the number of (a legion, etc.)," transferred to "fulfill, finish (a task)," from com-, here probably as an intensive prefix (see com-), + plere "to fill" (from PIE root *pele- (1) "to fill").

Ground Sphere

Holds the Energy of the Root Chakra.

I was browsing baby feet photos… so I could symbolize the inking of our first moments in this western world…

I noticed how Water logged the little footprints made… so it made be curious about amniotic Fluid… is it water? Fascinating enough… it starts out that way… but eventually it consists of many substances… including the babies urine…

It gives me an entire new point of view… Babies breathe it in… it's how we all start Life... it’s part of their protective barrier… fascinating stuff…

But… that is not what this Ground Symbol is about… it is about those first moments of matter in this reality… who we are before our feet ever touch the ground…

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Sprout & Roots. I Am Secure.

I had creative block… it’s almost like I was afraid to draw… of messing up… before even getting started... everything was just coming out in words instead of visual doodles…

My direction is to make this Visual Thought Pattern about the 7  Chakras… & how they correlates with  the {k]NOW thy Wave... I AM Statements… the concept is there for me to ARTiculate… so I will observing the words and their meaning first…

Secure Etymology

1530s, "without care or fear, dreading no evil" (a sense now archaic)

Cure Etymology

c. 1300, "care, heed," 

Intend Sphere

Holds the Energy of the Sacral Chakra.

Intend Sphere Base Code Icon

Pencil. I Am Creative.

 I am using my [k]NOW thy Wave Earth Cycle Visual Note Page… to ARTiculate the value in each of the 7 Chakras… & the Quantum MeMoir I AM statements…


Creative Etymology

"to bring into being," early 15c., from Latin creatus, past participle of creare "to make, bring forth, produce, procreate, beget, cause," related to Ceres and to crescere "arise, be born, increase, grow," from PIE root *ker- (2) "to grow." De Vaan writes that the original meaning of creare "was 'to make grow', which can still be found in older texts

I intuited the I AM statements when I was drafting the note page for the new (r)EVOLUTION of tiME MeMoir.

Observe Sphere

Holds the Energy of the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Observe Sphere Base Code Icon

Magnifying Glass. I AM Confident.

By getting a perception… of what each word means to me… I can begin to work with the concept in a more tangible way… I also want to be sure I 💯 want to use these specific words in the [k]NOW thy Wave Grid… so it’s a way to double check my self… and see HOW they Feel…

Confident Etymology

1570s, "self-reliant, sure of oneself;" c. 1600, "fully assured, having strong belief," from French confident, from Latin confidentem (nominative confidens) "firmly trusting, reliant, self-confident, bold, daring," present participle of confidere "to have full trust or reliance," 

I find the "meaning" helps us get on the same page… to be sure we know we are talking about the same thing… The symbol can be interpreted in a more feeling way… where the words are loaded with what we have been TAUGHT in school and by those that thought they knew something… But as we know… things change… 

Connect Sphere

Holds the Energy of the Heart Chakra.

Connect Base Code Icon

Love Note. I Am Connected.

Each Seed Word… Has an I AM statement… Each Word Has a Chakra Representation…

Therefore each I AM statement has a relationship to one of the 7 Chakras… it is the center of the energy… from which the statement resonates…

The Connect Sphere… Is to Join… it’s represented in the Heart Chakra and the I AM Connected Statement. I use it to Appreciate “Others” …that which appears to be separate from me…

Connect Etymology 

mid-15c., "to join, bind, or fasten together," from Latin conectere "join together," from assimilated form of com "together" (see con-) + nectere "to bind, tie" (from PIE root *ned- "to bind, tie"). A similar change took place in French, where connexer was superseded by connecter. Meaning "to establish a relationship" (with) is from 1881. Slang meaning "get in touch with" is attested by 1926, from telephone connections. Meaning "awaken meaningful emotions, establish rapport" is from 1942. Of a hit or blow, "to reach the target," from c. 1920.

Express Sphere

Holds the Energy of the Throat Chakra.

Action! “The clapperboard is an instantly recognizable symbol for filmmaking — more specifically for the action of starting a scene.”

It is as important to know what to CUT out… change direction of… or REdo… as it is to know WHAT ACTION to take in the first place…

To SYNCronize Color & Sound… the Inner & the Outer… sometimes you need a function that is loud, sharp, to EXPRESS.

Express Base Code Icon

Light Bulb. I Am Energized.

Now I am getting warmed up to DRAW & Express… I should be more forgiving of my self… I have had low energy… gloomy cold winter days… but I always know that SPRING brings me back out… & active…

I usually make the GRAMoire doing the Summer months… so creating this "Order Matters" Visual Thought Pattern... is an early start... a little out of ORDER... after all…

Energy Etymology

1590s, "force of expression," from, from Greek energeia "activity, action, operation," 

Used by Aristotle with a sense of "actuality, reality, existence" (opposed to "potential") but this was misunderstood in Late Latin and afterward as "force of expression," as the power which calls up realistic mental pictures. Broader meaning of "power" in English is first recorded 1660s. Scientific use is from 1807. 


word-forming element used to make verbs, from Greek -izein, a verb-forming element denoting the doing of the noun or adjective to which it is attached.

Refine Sphere

Holds the Energy of the 3rd Eye Chakra.

As I am sitting here drawing… I see the immense Love Bodhi has for our cats… & they for him…


The reflection brings my understanding forward… when there is no projection… or potential for thoughts… to be between you and an other… than only love exists…

When we engage with another person… they remind or recall something we don’t like within us… known or unrealized… it’s there and it bugs us about the other person…

I believe this can be transferred to our pets when we are really blocked inside… but when you are open to love like Bodhi… than you can really see the true essence of love come forward…

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Scissors. I AM Capable.

I AM capable… bringing in the 3rd Eye Chakra and the Power to get it done…

You have to know the Potentials you are working with… where to cultivate… grow or trim…

Capable Etymology

"sufficiently able, having power or capacity, qualified," 1590s, from French capable "able, sufficient; able to hold," used by theologians, from Latin capax "able to hold much, broad, wide, roomy;" also "receptive, fit for;" adjectival form of capere "to grasp, lay hold, take, catch; undertake; take in, hold; be large enough for; comprehend" (from PIE root *kap- "to grasp"). Other late 16c. senses in English, now obsolete, were "able to comprehend; able to contain; extensive." 


Gratitude & Tips

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The Quantum Memoir practice has changed my life. I’ve been going along with the cycles (Earth, Lunar, & Solar) for nearly 6 months now, and I can honestly say I’m more in tune with my true self than I’ve ever been. I’m able to flow through my days intentionally, I’m able to identify and process through those challenging seasons, growing through them and finding purpose. Knowing what my life aspirations truly are, has allowed me to weed out choices much easier, leading to meeting goals quicker, and finding that Peace (one of my aspirations) I’ve longed for within my life journey.


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