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Paper Trails

Turning Lead into Gold

The Paper Trails Blog is a personal memoir of exploring conscious play and self-inquiry through theory thirteen. It captures the research, experiments, and insights gained along the journey to deeper self-awareness and transformation.

Message of the Cherry Fae

Updated: Aug 28

I’ve been inspired by Absinthe & the Green Fairy… since I had my first sip in my mid twenties… every once in a while… the Green Fairy reappears in my field of experience… bringing me a vibe… as if she were... my muse…

I'm not much of a "drinker" these days... Chai Latte's are my sip of choice... but there is something about that "black licorice" flavor... and airy feel spirits... in this special cocktail... that calls me in... perhaps it is more than the flavor... it is the aroma of fennel and/or anise that speaks to me in some deeper way... beyond my comprehension.

For whatever the reason... Absinthe has my heart... and thus so does the Fae...

Fairy Mythology

"fairy, a mythical being of folklore and romance usually having magic powers and dwelling on earth in close relationship with humans."

The Seed of Life
The Seed of Life

Geometry and Music already occupy my daily experience... so I'm infusing the Cherry Fae with my other passions... Drawing... Self Study and Symbolism... capturing her message on paper... if you'd like to listen to the tunes that permeate this Mind Map... have a listen below... Be sure to listen to it on "Random" for a truly personal experience...

AI generated image of Cherry Fae Spotify Music Playlist

Message of the Cherry Fae

Playlist on Spotify

Music has a special effect on this creation... sound and rhythm was part of the original conversation... that will unfold... as the drawing expands out...

Resonance Etymology

"an echo," from resonare "to sound again, sound back"

For me the geometry of the Flower of Life... is the blueprint of sound... now let's fill it in with the tune...

There is always a beginning
There is always a beginning

I’ve recently enjoyed the experience of Absinthe & fairy in a Cherry variety… by the hands of Jacob… our Downtown Jefferson City Bartender of novel spirits… at Bar Whiskey.

It's a special place where they don't just make you a drink... you get an experience... much like I imagine the Belle Epoque or a Renaissance should be... where you interact with others... in prosperity... talking about the less mundane aspects of life... such as cymatics, music theory and of course... the fae...

The background of Absinthe

"The origin of Absinthe is foggy, but the ingredient of wormwood has been traced back to ancient Egypt where it was used for medicinal purposes. It is in the field of medicine where the modern drink first became known..."

The Cherry Fae at Bar Whiskey, Jefferson City
The Cherry Fae at Bar Whiskey, Jefferson City

How to Drink Absinthe: Recipes

"the United States, alcoholic beverages must be "thujone-free," which means that all absinthes available there are far from being the real McCoy. Absinthe alcohol was originally popularized in France and Switzerland during the 1800s. It is a spirit, not a liquor with a high alcohol content and no sugar added. Absinthe is made traditionally with white grape-based spirits, anise and grand wormwood as well as other herbs such as fennel and coriander."

My first relationship with Absinthe was a bottle... I illegally received from Europe... it made it through customs... at home... with a sugar cube and water... here I acquired the taste... eventually moving on to Absinthe infused cocktails in LA and NYC... and even in Eldon Missouri at Capone's Speakeasy... bringing me to my most recent concoction... made at Bar Whiskey... by Jacob...

He's put the Citrus twist (Hemingway would be proud) into my sweet craving for Cherry & Absinthe... and Ryan gave her the name... Cherry Fae...

The Cherry Fae… gave me the vision of some new artwork… after weeks of imbibing her archetype… I’ve come to this geometry variety… to project the essence of the Cherry Fae… and the wisdom of a Renaissance that she invites one too…

Renaissance invite
Renaissance invite

I'm seeking... a revival of learning and philosophy that most do not have the time or imagination to explore... so I have to send out a signal... a broadcast... to the MODern philosophers... those that are looking to create a "great period of revival" ...a wave of influence that reaches the ears and eyes... of those that are looking to effect change in the world...

Perhaps that's you?! Has our Fate been entangled with the Fairies?

Renaissance Etymology

"great period of revival of classical-based art and learning in Europe that began in the fourteenth century," Old French renaissance, literally "rebirth," usually in a spiritual sense, from renastre "grow anew" (of plants), "be reborn"

Fairy Etymology

(12c.), from fae "fay," from Latin fata "the Fates," plural of fatum "that which is ordained; destiny, fate," from PIE root *bha- (2) "to speak, tell, say."

This Note Page and studies… is to infuse the Cherry Fae artwork with Root Chakra Energy and translate it to the Rainbow Colored Torus Mind Map… While is it just a sketch at this point... you'll be able to add the glorious greens and red... that are sure to warm your body and heart...

Flower of Life
Flower of Life

Can you see what I see...

It is all there... waiting to be seen...

Devise/Device etymology

"to form, fashion;" c. 1300, "to plan, contrive, think or study out, elaborate in the mind,"

A seed does not look near as attractive and expansive as does the tree... but it is all there... just not expressed in it's complete form... that's sort of how I see my artwork... and life... I suppose...

Making Waves in the Elxir
Making Waves in the Elxir

While still on the journey of creating... I am often critical of what is on the paper or canvas... I do enjoy the process... but my inner dialogue... is telling me that it is "not going to work out" or... it doesn't "look good"

But I don't stop... I keep going... like the wind and rain... cultivating... my idea...

Cherry Symbolism

In ancient mythology the fruit of the Cherry tree contains the elixir which gives the Gods their immortality!

Alive with Depth
Alive with Depth

The World... would be flat without our Shadows... they add character and depth... to our Shared Reality... defining there is more to life than greets the eye...

The Anise seed stands out to me…

When I lived in NYC… this fancy cocktail bar …somewhere near Little Italy… I cant quite remember the name… but I recall the night… it was absolutely the most aesthetic environment… texture… colors… lighting… the place had it all… exclusive…

When the drinks arrived… I was delighted to see such a well put together display… I was captivated with curiosity… this was no jack and coke… it had a Star Anise floating on top… it tickled my fancy… I fell in love with the whole scene…

Now to turn the Cherry Fae… into something for you…

If you are interested in purchasing the Original 11x14" Sketch on Hemp Heritage Paper or Reprint, contact me using the speech bubble in the bottom right corner of the website.

Thank You for Responsibly enjoying...

The Message of the Cherry Fae


P.S. How about a coloRED version on a T-Shirt?! Or Poster…

Absinthe Cherry Fae
Absinthe Cherry Fae


Absinthe Video


Musical Inspiration

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The Quantum Memoir practice has changed my life. I’ve been going along with the cycles (Earth, Lunar, & Solar) for nearly 6 months now, and I can honestly say I’m more in tune with my true self than I’ve ever been. I’m able to flow through my days intentionally, I’m able to identify and process through those challenging seasons, growing through them and finding purpose. Knowing what my life aspirations truly are, has allowed me to weed out choices much easier, leading to meeting goals quicker, and finding that Peace (one of my aspirations) I’ve longed for within my life journey.


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