Referenced in this Video:
My Friend Struppi - An excellent Sacred Geometry Explorer
The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Book Covers as mentioned in the video.
Why does Drunvalo Melchizedek display the Flower of Life pattern differently on the cover of these two books? Was it a printing error or intentional?
To access my study notes and join me on this exciting exploration of geometry and sound... join the Quantum MeMoir theory Collective where I'll be diving into the movement of the Vector Equilibrium and how this all relates to the Quantum MeMoir & Consciousness.
View My Youtube Playlist:
For additional Ponderings and inquiries... see the comments below...
An interesting conversation on the SHORT of Secret Flower of Life YouTube video …sparking my inspiration for this Spacetrip Thought Experiment…
The YouTube commentator seems to suggest there is “no special geometry” to direction… and it just doesn’t resonate with me… I imagine there is… we may not know …by current humanly measurement means… but there always seems to be a pattern or system at play… macro or micro… indicating a blueprint…
I’ll redraw my thought experiment and share the vision in an Active Imagination Guided Meditation…
For now… these notes are my seed…
Current Pondering?
Do “we” move relative to the Sun in Deep Space… (no planetary gravity) through the galaxy.. or would the Solar System move beyond on…
In a debate with someone over this video on YouTube… I’m drawing a model… using some ideas that came to me last night… and now this video… to help me get the “words” or terms right…
Very informative… details about…
Elliptic Plane
The Great Attractor
Galactic Center
Vertical Ossilation
"Closet Packing of the Spheres" a Buckminster Fuller Notion...
Spin the Vector Equilibrium for a relaxing and inquistive good tine...
If You are diving into this pondering... this video Perhaps explains WHY it is Valuable...